Kids in kindergarden and school in Bulgaria

The data in these charts is extracted from the tables published on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria. These tables list the number of children in different educational institutions across municipalities, on the bases of which dedicated budgets for 2013 are calculated. These numbers diviate from those of the National Statistical Institute, but I chose them because they seem more up to date.

Here you see a colored map of the municipalities and a chart where these are ordered by value. You can choose from 5 indicators - absolute number of children in day care, students in primery and middle schools, either of these indicators related to local population and the population of each municipality itself. When you load the page, by default you see the number of school kids related to the local population.

You may notice that the indicators for absolute numbers for Sofia go out of the charts. This is because of the great concentration of people there. Therefore, in such cases the vertical scale of the chart is with square step as it's visible in the scale itself. Thus the municipalities with much less population are visible.

You can zoom the map in and out, as well view it full screen. Press on a municipality to open detailed description of its data. You can do the same from the bars in the chart. The data indicators can be changed from the buttons on the left.

The data on the borders of the municipalities can be downloaded here and the data on the educational system - here. You can also find them in TheDataHub. The code of the charts is available in Github. For feedback and ideas please write to @yurukov or visit my blog.

Boyan Yurukov

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